Sunday, February 27, 2011

first time to the beach

Saturday was our first day to truly explore Sydney and get accustomed to everything here. None of us have had cell phones, so we decided to all meet at the mall to get phones. Little did we know, it was a HUGE ordeal. I told my friends I would meet them outside Target at 10:30, but still don’t know how to read a bus timetable, so I missed my bus. I ended up waiting at the bus stop for 45 minutes in the blazing heat with no way to contact them to tell them I was late. A thousand thoughts were running through my head thinking what if they leave me because they don’t think I’m coming. An hour later I finally made it and we went to the Virgin Mobile store. No joke, we were in there for 3 hours because there were 10 of us buying phones and their network crashed!! We were all so cranky from exhaustion and not eating by the time we left, but decided to still head to Manly beach. We all jumped on a train to take us to the city and were trying to figure out or phones while driving. When we approached our stop, we were all frantic and got off the train, and one of the boys left his buss pass on the train which is worth $600. Because none of our phones were working, he had to leave us to figure out how he was going find that train without having to spend all that money for a new one. Meanwhile, the rest of us took a ferry to Manly beach and it was the cutest ferry ride! When we arrived we walked through the town and saw a row of pine trees blocking our view to the beach. How weird is it they have pine trees on the beach? But, the beach was so crowed with surfers, red bodies, and lifeguards. We all laid down our beach mats but by the time we went to tan, it was already 4pm, and after being in the sun 5 minutes, we all were burned. Ha needless to say, our trip to the beach didn’t last too long. That night we ate at a bar at the Wharf (first time to get carded lol) and it was adorable! Everyone was so dressed up and we all looked like bums in our beach attire. Oh well, they never will see us again! But, that night us girls took the train back to our houses and when we got off it was so loud and we looked up, and no joke, at least 1000 birds were in the trees and flying around!! It was like the movie Birds! We were all running and screaming, freaking out!! The day was so eventful, but I was exhausted. Lol I don’t think I can deal with this laid back atmosphere!!

Haha by the way, sorry this is so scattered. There has been too much to remember and I am overwhelmed lol.



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